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Visit of the Project Team to Catalonia

On December 29th the project team started a route through Catalonia to learn about different experiences. The first meeting was held in Solsona with the technicians of the CTFC (Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya) to discuss the theme of forests, and more specifically to get acquainted with the technical aspects of Life MixforChange and Life Suber projects.

In the field, with the technician Juan Martínez, the team visited a pilot area of the CTFC where they study factors for the development and conservation of the mycological resources of the region.

In Alinyà the team visited the pilot area of the LIFE CO2 project to know in situ adaptation technics to climate change in the mountain regions, such as waterboxes and other water conservation strategies.

Finally, in Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana, on the 1st of December, the team visited the Parc de les olors – Serrat with the purpose of getting to know, by the hand of Pilar Come, the different options for the valorization of aromatic and medicinal plants.
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