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Development of New Communication Tools and Materials for LIFE Montado-Adapt

One of the objectives of LIFE Montado-Adapt is to raise awareness about Montado ecosystems and its products, as well as raise public awareness of the need to adapt farming practices to climate change. To achieve this goal a communication and awareness-raising strategy has been implemented, which has included the holding of several Open Days, including actions in project’s pilot areas and activities aimed at schools. These actions have enabled the dissemination of the good practices that are being implemented to adapt the Montado to climate change, raising awareness among farmers and owners about the potential of sustainable management practices. On the other hand, it has also been possible to raise awareness among young people about the importance of Montado, the impacts of climate change and the need for adaptation.

In continuation of this work, new communication tools and materials are currently being prepared, including the creation of a landing page for disseminating information about the Montado, its sustainability and the products it provides with content aimed at the general public. A brochure is also in development, which will talk about the flavours coming from sustainable Montado areas, with the aim of promoting the valuable products that these systems offer when managed sustainably, such as acorns, pine nuts, mushrooms and honey. Finally, posters are also being prepared to promote the next LIFE Montado-Adapt Open Days, face-to-face awareness-raising actions that will allow even more people to learn first-hand about the potential of Montado.
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