MANAGING ENTITY: Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon LOCATION: Santa Margarida da Serra, Grândola, Portugal TOTAL AREA: 221 ha PROJECT AREA: 100 ha DESCRIPTION: “Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo” is a field station of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), currently used by cE3c - Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Change, a Research&Development unit from FCUL, focused on research and education in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, encompassing sustainable landscape management and biodiversity conservation. It aims to be a sustainable estate, a prime example of good practices in managing the Montado/Dehesa. It also devotes a significant area to biodiversity conservation, with minimal human intervention (about 60% of the property), applying strategies that encourage natural regeneration and preserve climax zones in riparian and cork oak areas.