ADPM Kicked Off the Project LIFE Montado-Adapt with International Partners Meeting
Develop Montado and Dehesa in an innovative and sustainable way – this is the great purpose of LIFE´s project Montado & Climate: A need to Adapt, presented in ADPM´s headquarters in Mértola. This launching had 17 representatives of the different project partners from the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
This five-year project will implement the ILU model (Integrated Land Use) that aims to support farmers in 11 pilot-areas in Portugal and Spain so they can be capable to adapt to the climate change´s effects that have been felted in the South of the Iberian Peninsula, especially in Montado and Dehesa ecosystems. Thus, it´s intend to enrich the management systems of these ecosystems through the use of new tools and technologies that are going to be articulated with the local communities and products, Eco services and biodiversity. The farmers in these pilot areas are not only going to participants in the project, but are also going to be thought leaders amongst their communities and other farmers who have shown will to implement the ILU system in their proprieties. These promotion and dissemination actions are one of the main goals of this project for/in Portugal.
This initiative presents a total budget of 3.439.571€ and it is co-financed by the European Union through the LIFE Program which has been supporting projects in the field of nature and environment conservation and more recently it opened a subprogram, LIFE+ Climate Action, for actions that aim to fight climate changes.
Project Partners: Forestry Service Group, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade de Évora, ICNF – Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas IP, Universidad de Extremadura, TerraSIG, Lda, União da Floresta Mediterrânica, Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infraestruturas do Alqueva, Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio, Explotaciones Agropecuarias La Rinconada SL, Dehesa del Guijo S.A, Ayuntamiento de VillasBuenas de Gata, Grupo Casablanca – Cáparra SL, Sociedade Agrícola do Freixo do Meio, Lda e a ANSUB – Associação dos Produtores Florestais do Vale do Sado.